To comply with University policies and to ensure data safety and security, we are now required to restrict the issuing of large external hard drives and portable storage devices to staff and students.The handover of these must be cleared with the DTM.The following guidelines/conditions must be adhered to - these are on the form which should be completed by the person requesting the storage device.

DCS Portable Storage Device Policy

This policy is intended to guide and encourage the responsible and safe use of portable data storage devices by students and staff within the Department of Computer Science whilst also providing the maximum possible freedoms for working with them in any scenario that might arise. It will be understood that the use of portable storage devices presents a substantial risk of potential data loss, with all the consequences that arise from such an event occurring.Therefore it is necessary to monitor and control the issue and ownership of such devices among DCS staff and students.

It is proposed therefore that before a portable storage device is purchased or issued, the following details be obtained + recorded on a form to be kept with DCS Tech Support

1) Name/position/room no. of user of device.

2) Type and size of device.

3) Reasons for purchase/use/nature of data to be stored on it.

Clearance for issue will then be given by the DTM/DAM

Once the device is purchased and handed over, its loss must be reported immediately to IT Services/DCS Tech Support.All portable devices must be encrypted where possible.